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A SPIE STORY The History of the Calgary Security Professionals Information Exchange


SPIE Membership

SPIE is an organization of professionals with responsibility in the information and systems security area. Members may include representatives from large or small organizations, consultants, educators, public sector, vendors or others who can contribute to and benefit from the Society.

  • Anyone can become a member of SPIE, there are no geographic restrictions.

  • SPIE memberships can be purchased through the website by creating an account and then choosing the option to purchase a membership in your account dashboard.

  • There are two type of paid memberships: Select Virtual or Regular

    • Virtual annual membership ($20/annually) entitles the member to virtually (Zoom or other mechanism) attend all meetings held within the SPIE program year (Sep to Jun)
    • or
    • Regular annual membership ($120/annually) entitles the member to attend all in-person meetings/luncheon or virtually attend within the SPIE program year (Sep to Jun)
  • There is no charge for paid members to participate in the SPIE meetings.

  • Please note: A Non-SPIE member charge of $20 for in-person meetings will be payable online at registration or at the door by with cash or cheque payable to SPIE . Receipts for expense recording and deduction will be issued. (Sorry, no Credit or Debit cards at the door).